Drug Prices on Old Patients Peer Reviewed Journals


Comorbidities and use of multiple medications increment with advancing age; this may cause significant drug-related complications such as polypharmacy and increased health intendance costs.i Guidelines on handling of chronic diseases are inadequate in older patients with multiple comorbidities.2 In addition, alterations in drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients with advancing age make effective and safe pharmacotherapy difficult in these patients.3 Every bit shown by the Globe Health System, polypharmacy has become a critical public health trouble due to the growth of the aging population.1–3 Information technology is known that polypharmacy and inappropriate drug use cause numerous complications, such as cognitive deficiency, frailty, urinary incontinence, depression, malnutrition, remainder and gait disorders, falls, and reduced functional capacity, and increment the frequency of living in nursing homes, hospital admissions, and hospital stay.i–3 Therefore, combating polypharmacy in geriatric practice is crucial to reduce wellness intendance costs.

In the early 1990s, Johnson and Bootman demonstrated that an average of United states$76 billion was spent annually in the USA to solve drug-related problems and that drug-related hospitalization accounted for the majority of this amount. This cost was updated to US$177.4 billion.4,5 In another study, the full cost of morbidity and bloodshed due to inappropriate drug employ was reported to be higher than the price of drugs.6,7 Because that these studies comprised patients of all age groups, it is probable that costs will be much higher when simply older patients are evaluated. On account of all the aforementioned reasons, polypharmacy is a serious public health problem and its prevention should be approached every bit a wellness policy.

The comprehensive geriatric cess (CGA) has an important role in assessing polypharmacy in geriatric patients.viii It is possible to determine and optimize the potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) past the inclusion of the screening tool of older people's prescriptions (STOPP) and the screening tool to alert to right treatment (START) criteria in this cess.9

The nowadays study aimed to identify comorbidities of patients who presented to the geriatrics outpatient dispensary of a tertiary hospital and drugs they used; to determine the upshot of the CGA on polypharmacy, PIM and PPO; to detect the drug groups, included in and excluded from the treatment, by the CGA; to identify inappropriate drug employ in clinical practice; and to evaluate the economic reflections of changes to be performed in the number of drugs used in treatment.


Study pattern and participants

Infirmary files of i,942 patients, who attended to the geriatrics outpatient clinic between Jan 2014 and February 2016 for whatsoever reason and underwent the CGA, were retrospectively reviewed. Only 1,579 patients without missing information in their infirmary files were included. The study was approved by Dokuz Eylul University Local Ideals Commission. Since all data presented in this retrospective study were de-identified, the patient consent statement was non required. There were no exclusion criteria for the report.

Data drove and CGA

Sociodemographic information (age, gender, education status, and living environment) and history of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, congestive middle failure, hyperlipidemia, peripheral vascular disease, depression, dementia, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, COPD) were recorded. In addition, comorbidity status of the patients was evaluated using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). To evaluate cognitive functions, the Cerebral State Test, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scales were given to those who were illiterate older people, to those who had didactics under 11 years, and had educational activity over 11 years, respectively. The CGA that the patients underwent included the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale (YGDS), the Lawton-Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) calibration, the Barthel Alphabetize (BADL); Upwards&Get scale, Tinetti Functioning Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) for balance (POMA-B) and gait (POMA-M), and the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA).ten,11

Laboratory tests performed to appraise biochemical, metabolic, and nutritional status of the patients included measurements of consummate blood count, kidney and liver functions, cholesterol levels, thyroid stimulating hormone, HbA1c, and levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin D. All of these biochemical tests were performed using the Diagnostic Modular Systems automobile analyzer (Roche E170 and P-800).

Data on polypharmacy and drugs

The drugs, drug groups, and number of drugs that the patients used were recorded. Using five or more drugs was considered polypharmacy and using ten or more than drugs was considered hyperpolypharmacy.12 Appropriate drug use of the patients was identified by CGA complemented with STOPP/Starting time criteria.9 Based on these criteria, PIMs were discontinued and PPOs were determined past a geriatrician; thus, treatments of the patients were rearranged. The drugs, drug groups, and number of drugs in the new treatments were also evaluated. Information on the drugs before and subsequently applying CGA were compared.

Cost analysis

Drugs that were discontinued and included in the treatment afterward CGA were recorded. Using the drugstore records, monthly retail toll corresponding to the optimum dose of these drugs and the mean per capita cost to the authorities were quantified separately for PIMs and PPOs.

Statistical analysis

All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Parcel for the Social Sciences version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, U.s.). Parametric values were expressed as mean ± SD, information obtained from the scoring systems were expressed every bit median (interquartile range), and categorical values were expressed as percent. Student'due south t-test was used for the comparison of normally distributed parametric data, whereas the Isle of mann–Whitney U examination and the Wilcoxon test were used for the comparison of not-normally distributed information. Categorical data were analyzed past chi-square examination. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant.


In the nowadays report, ane,579 patients were included. Polypharmacy was identified in 895 (56.7%) patients and not-polypharmacy was identified in 684 (43.iii%) patients. Hyperpolypharmacy was found in 190 (12.0%) patients. Afterward CGA, non-polypharmacy, polypharmacy, and hyperpolypharmacy were plant in 65.six% (ane,036), 34.4% (543), and iii.half dozen% (57), respectively. Mean number of drugs at showtime examination was five.3±iii.4, and afterward CGA, mean number of drugs decreased to 4.6±2.v (p<0.05).

Polypharmacy and non-polypharmacy groups were compared in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, CGA parameters, and laboratory findings. In the polypharmacy group, the mean historic period, frequency of falls, teaching level, and body mass alphabetize were significantly lower than those in the not-polypharmacy group (p<0.05). However, the CCI score and the presence of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, low, COPD, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and dementia was significantly more than prevalent in the polypharmacy group (p<0.05). In add-on, while the scores of the MMSE, MoCA, MNA, IADL, BADL, POMA-B, and POMA-One thousand were significantly lower in the polypharmacy group, the YGDS and Up&Go scores were significantly higher (p<0.05). Compared with the non-polypharmacy group, in the polypharmacy group, the serum albumin level was significantly lower; yet, serum vitamin B12 level was significantly higher (p<0.05) (Table 1). When the age and pedagogy effect was eliminated, at that place were still significant differences between the groups in terms of diabetes mellitus, vitamin B12 level, and the scores of the IADL, BADL, POMA-B, POMA-G, and Up&Go scale (p<0.05). Amongst the patients, 8.3% had no comorbidity and the rates of patients with 1, 2, 3, four, 5, and >5 comorbidities were xiv.3%, 23.7%, 22.8%, 14.8%, 9.5%, and 14.9%, respectively (Figure i).

Table ane Patients' characteristics
Notes: Price: Cognitive Country Test (0 [the worst]-thirty [the best]); MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination (0 [the worst]-30 [the all-time]); MNA: Mini-Nutritional Assessment (0 [the worst]-xiv [the best]); MoCA: Montreal Cerebral Assessment (0 [the worst]-xxx [the best]); Basic ADLs: Basic Activities of Daily Living (0 [the worst]-100 [the best]); IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (0 [the worst]-17 [the best]); POMA: Performance Oriented Mobility Cess (0 [the worst]-28 [the best]); YGDS: Yesavage Geriatric Low Calibration (fifteen [the worst]-0 [the best]).

Effigy i Number of comorbidities of the patients.

The rates of patients treated with PIM of 0, 1, ii, three, four, and ≥5 before CGA were 20.8% (n=329), 42.0% (n=664), xiii.9% (n=220), 9.3% (n=149), 6.5% (due north=104), and 7.three% (n=116), respectively. The rates of patients with PPO of 0, 1, 2, 3, four, and ≥5 after CGA were 25.iv% (n=402), eighteen.4% (n=291), 28.0% (n=442), sixteen.78% (due north=265), 7.6% (n=120), and 3.7% (n=59), respectively (Figure 2).

Effigy 2 The rates of patients with PIMs and PPOs before CGA.
Abbreviations: CGA, comprehensive geriatric assessment; PIMs, potentially inappropriate medications; PPOs, potential prescribing omissions.

The drug group responsible for the highest increase in PPO was vitamin B12 and vitamin D. While 16.3% (n=246) of the patients received a single vitamin supplement (vitamin D or vitamin B12), 35.8% (northward=538) of the patients received both vitamin B and vitamin D supplements.

The drug groups which decreased, increased or had no change afterwards CGA are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Accordingly, the drug groups with the highest decrease in utilize were in turn proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) by 6.nine% (n=109), dementia drugs by 6.9% (due north=109), and antipsychotic drugs by v.4% (due north=85). On the other hand, the drug groups with the highest increase in use were primarily vitamin supplements with vitamin D past 44.1% (n=697) and vitamin B by 33.5% (n=530), secondly, anti-depressants past 14.1% (north=223), and thirdly trazodone, which was used for the treatment of sleep disorders, past 12.eight% (north=202).

Tabular array 2 The drug groups which decreased after CGA
Abbreviation: CGA, comprehensive geriatric cess.

Table 3 The drug groups which increased subsequently CGA
Abbreviation: CGA, comprehensive geriatric assessment.

After CGA, monthly saved total per capita toll of PIMs was $12.8 and monthly increased total per capita toll of PPOs was $5.6. Among the PIMs, co-ordinate to the full monthly toll, anti-dementia drugs were in the lead, accounting for 28.i% ($five,697.9), followed by antipsychotics bookkeeping for 12.5% ($ii,546.eight), gastrointestinal arrangement drugs accounting for 5.i% ($1,038.2), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs accounting for 4.5% ($917.2).


The present study determined that polypharmacy was a common status among older adults and that information technology might be associated with falls, depression, cognitive deficiency, and decrease in functionality. In addition, it was also demonstrated that polypharmacy, number of the drugs used, and treatment cost could be reduced past the CGA including STOPP/Outset criteria.

The frequency of polypharmacy in older adults in Turkey was reported as 52.5%.viii In addition, because the studies worldwide, the prevalence of polypharmacy was reported to be 76% in Australia, whereas information technology was reported equally 53.6% with over-the-counter (OTC) medications and 26.7% without OTC medications in Germany.xiii,fourteen Consistent with the literature, the present written report determined the rate of polypharmacy to exist 55.3%, which could be decreased to 34.4% after the CGA. It is obvious that prevention of polypharmacy in approximately twenty% of the patients indicates how of import CGA is.1,two,15–17 Furthermore, in geriatric patients with high wellness care expenditure, the bear on of so-called prevention of polypharmacy on economic parameters cannot be ignored. In the present study, monthly per capita saving was approximately $12.8 and almanac per capita saving was approximately $153.46 by exclusion of the PIMs later on CGA. On the other hand, the monthly per capita saving was $5.68 and annual per capita saving was $68.16 after identification of PPOs by CGA. Thus, meaning saving in health care expenditure is possible even with the PPOs after CGA. In addition, decreased handling cost demonstrated herein is just the tip of the iceberg when the costs required for infirmary stay, treatment, and drug-related morbidity and mortality are taken into account.

In the present study, the most frequent PIMs were PPIs, anti-dementia drugs, and antipsychotics. Inappropriate use of PPIs for gastric protection is quite common, and it is known that long-term PPI use may result in serious systemic side effects. These side furnishings include Clostridium difficile-associated colitis, customs-acquired pneumonia, acute interstitial nephritis, vitamin B12 deficiency, increased risk of hip fractures, and increased incidence of fundic gland polyposis.17 In the present study, the 2d most frequently excluded PIMs were the anti-dementia drugs. The primary reason for this might exist the fact that ~5%–twenty% of the patients presenting to the geriatric clinics for retentivity impairment had curable causes.18 Among these causes, particularly hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, folic acid deficiency, and medications were reported nigh frequently.xviii In addition, this effect obtained from our reference centre for dementia was highly of import, as it revealed that many geriatric patients with misdiagnosed dementia had been administered anti-dementia medications past the clinics they had previously visited for subjective memory complaints, and that they might have been exposed to the side effects of those medications.nineteen–22 The 3rd most common PIMs were antipsychotics. This was attributed to the off-label use of antipsychotics, particularly in the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia as well every bit treatment of sleep disorders in geriatric patients.23 On the other hand, long-term use of high-dose antipsychotics may cause side effects including cardiovascular, metabolic, cerebral, and extrapyramidal.24

For this reason, antipsychotics carry a black box warning for increased risk of death in dementia patients (1.6–ane.7 times higher than that of placebo), and they have been included in the American Elderliness Social club 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults.24 Still, the contempo guidelines have recommended low-dose antipsychotic use for less than sixteen weeks in geriatric patients with behavioral symptoms of dementia when not-pharmacological arroyo remains inadequate.24 Considering potential complications of all of these iii drug classes, it can be said that much higher cost saving than calculated, would be accomplished.

On the other mitt, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folic acid preparations are the leading drugs among PPOs commenced later the CGA. Deficiency of micronutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folic acid is prevalent in older adults and each may result in frailty, falls, depression, orthostatic hypotension, cerebral impairment, and increased frequency of depression and mortality.25–27 Therefore, these parameters are routinely evaluated inside the context of CGA and appropriate micronutrient supplementation in patients with deficiency is of critical importance.

Other drugs with increased utilise after the CGA included anti-depressants and trazadone used for insomnia. This outcome indicated that depression and depression-associated insomnia might be overlooked and not exist accordingly treated in older patients with pain, fragility, cerebral deficiency, numerous comorbidities, and polypharmacy. In fact, the frequency of geriatric depression in Turkey is 45.eight% with the majority of patients remaining untreated.28 Advisable treatment of geriatric low, which may accept devastating consequences such equally falls, frailty, sleep disorders, cognitive deficiency, malnutrition, self-negligence, and increased take a chance of morbidity and bloodshed, may preclude polypharmacy by reducing somatic complaints, which health care professionals effort to treat, but which are actually related to low.29

The strengths of the nowadays study include large sample size; evaluating laboratory findings, sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities, and all subgroups of drugs separately; and performing the CGA complemented with STOPP/START criteria in each patient. However, the retrospective design of the report, not evaluating long-term effects of the new handling planned after the CGA on the CGA parameters including falls, depression, cognitive and functional capacity, and comprising only convalescent patients may be among the limitations.

Polypharmacy is a common condition among geriatric patients and is associated with falls, depression, cerebral deficiency, and decreased functionality. In the presence of numerous comorbidities and geriatric syndromes, changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and in tolerability of potential drug side effects due to physiological changes with crumbling lead to difficulties in planning treatments of such patients accordingly. For this reason, performing a CGA including STOPP/START criteria is quite important. Thus, long-term complications would be prevented past avoiding PIMs and polypharmacy, and assuasive the use of correct drugs identified past PPOs that may be balanced with the potential cost of disease burden avoided. Every bit a upshot, decreased drug-related costs in older adults clearly demonstrate both medical and economic benefits of CGA.


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.



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Source: https://www.dovepress.com/costs-of-medication-in-older-patients-before-and-after-comprehensive-g-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CIA

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