Preview Reading Between the Lines Septuagint Interlinear

HaMiqraot [The Scriptures] : (Torah, Nebiim, and Chetubim)

(in down order of each verse of its texts of the paleo-Hebrew Phoenican ,

modern Hebrew  at right, and its Hebrew c o 50 o r  coded transliteration,

interlining with the translated c o l o r  coded words more often than not in English,

along with the translitered names/titles

and Septuagint Greek Former Testament (Brenton)  and its c o fifty o r  coded translitered text

along with its c o l o r  coded translated English language text)

(with the help of  Jay Greenish'south The Interlinear Bible, Interlinear Scripture Analyzer,

The Pentateuch [Linear translation into English], The Septuagint (Lancelot Brenton), Rotherham Old Testament,, Literal English Version,

HalleluYah Scriptures English-Hebrew Parallel Edition, NASB, NRSV, NKJV, New Jerusalem Bible)

edited and translated by Lanny Mebust (Benyamin benKohath)

Most colored interlinear work will exist done up to the finish of 2022 or early on in 2023.   The whole NT files

and the whole OT files, and other files of this website are included in the xvi GB USB

and also more PDFs of ancient books like Apocrypha and Pseudegrapha, Other Gospels,

much more are also included for your own to keep or to discard if not interested.

As of iv/eleven/21 I am done with all new interlinear PDFs on 1 colour per translation line past its font .

Now I am working on the colored Modern Hebrew by its messages and its vowel points along

with the transliterated text and English text, currently on Jeremiah chapter 3 equally of 3/two/22.

Many have asked me to do the colored Mod Hebrew letters because of their preferences.

As of two/eighteen/2022 for those who have paid for the USB16G stick, wait till all updated

and new files are done at the stop of 2022 or early 2023 then I will let you all know before the end of 2022.

It takes up to 6 months to complete:

March: Jeremiah to Ezekiel; April: Daniel to Malachi;

New Testament on Modern Hebrew and Greek fonts: 2 files, ane for Hebrew just, and other for both.

May: Matthew to Marker; June: Luke to John; July: Acts to ii Corinthians; August to September:

Galatians to Revelation

Sept - Dec: Some files are to update, new files to add

2023: Any file updates

Also I have other work to add together the new pdf files to consummate by the finish of 2022 or early on 2023,

subsequently all Modern Hebrew letters and Greek letters in NT are colored by August 2022,

beginning with:

At present information technology is fix to buy a USB stick for your own someday

or  await till all updated PDF files and new files are added.

Now well-nigh the cost of USB, there are the air bubble package to insert the USB 16GB and its shipping costs.

The USB  is more popular and is preferable over CD.

The stamp cost is varied where it goes overseas and The states.

The cost of USB stick is virtually $8.00, and the air bubble mailer is nearly $ii.00.

The postal fee is nether $5.00 to mail for the USA residents.  For the overseas mailing,

the postal fee is varied from $10 to $twenty.  You can add a small donation like $10, or $25 or $50

or more or comfy corporeality to add if yous want to assist those who are non afforable to pay

due to their low income only they desire to learn more of the Scriptures for their spiritual growth

in the Mashiyach.  It is non-assisting business organization considering of my dearest to aid others to receive

the Word of Life and grow more in their spiritual lives.  Feel free to enquire if you desire a one

or two pdf files to e-mail to you lot at no cost.  I may try the Google drive to send the PDF files

to save more money not sending the USB stick in the mail if it works.

My mailing accost is Lanny Mebust, P.O. Box 228, Isanti, MN USA 55040 or Paypal:

but the colored interlinear with Hebrew and English is more pop.

I like to hear your suggestions or ideas.   Shalom, Lanny

Nigh of the PDFs of Torah, Nebiim and Chetubim and NT readings below

take non been updated lastly in 2018-19,

but the USB stick now have all the updates for the final copy.

Torah (the Law) -

   Sepher Maaseh Bereshith  ( Genesis )

Sepher Yetsi'at Mitsrayim - Shemot  ( Exodus )

Chamesh haPekudim - Bemidbar ( Numbers )

Nebiim (the Prophets) -

Chetubim (the Writings) -

New Testament (B'rit haChadashah)

 (in downwardly order of each verse of its texts of the paleo-Hebrew Phoenican ,

mod Hebrew  at right, and its Hebrew c o l o r  coded translitered text

along with the translitered names/titles

and its c o l o r  coded translated English text,

and Greek New Testament  and its c o fifty o r  coded transliteration,

interlining with the translated c o 50 o r  coded words mostly in English language)

(with the help of The New Greek-English Interlinear New Attestation,  Jay Green's The Interlinear Bible,

Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament, The Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels, The Apostolic Bible Polyglot,

Interlinear Scripture Analyzer, Tyndale Bible [Coverdale, Rogers],

Geneva Bible, Hebrew Gospels, NASB, NRSV, NKJV, HalleluYah Scriptures English-Hebrew Parallel Edition,

Literal English language Version, Lamsa, Franz Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament, New Jerusalem Bible,

Peshitta Aramic-English Interlinear NT)

edited and translated by Lanny Mebust (Benyamin benKohath)

Yahuchanan  ( John )

   Maaseh haShlichim  ( Acts )

Its Scriptural colour coded textual work began in the midst of 2007

and many are completed in spring 2021 and the new and updated filed will be completed hopefully at the end of 2022 or early on 2023.

Some have asked about the caption of color coding meanings in the interlinear texts which I have been working on.  It is easier and faster to read the Hebrew text and its English language translations and also the Greek text and its English language translations in color

than in black.  The colors ways null in meanings but to read

and acquire more of Hebrew and/or Greek words than in black.

Some have asked for the ancient Hebrew fonts or other fonts in which I cannot give freely and also I made my ain ancient Hebrew font thru Using Fontographer for Mac

and I bought some Greek and Hebrew fonts online, that is why I exercise the PDFs.

Any corrections or concerns for his Scriptural colour coded textual work should exist addressed to Lanny as we desire the best for all the readers who dear the report of the Scriptures sincerely. Cheers for your support!

Shalom, Lanny Mebust (Benyamin benKohath)

The Aleph and Tau Mashiyach comings

are for all mortals to repent and to fulfill


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